Monday, September 28, 2015

pcappdate. The development team at Bungie continues to carefully monitor the overall performance of Destiny, and the company is currently reporting that those who are playing the social shooter on the PlayStation 4 are currently affected by a BUFFALO errors.

According to the official Twitter message from the support account the issue is under investigation and the company aims to deliver a fix for it as soon as possible, although it sounds like the cause is at the moment unclear.

A number of players are also reporting that they are unable to connect to the official Destiny servers, even if they are not getting one of the BUFFALO errors.

Bungie has been dealing with a number of problems linked to the shooter since it was first launched, which were pretty visible during its first weeks of life, but in the last few months the game has been running very smoothly, often only down when either the PlayStation Network or the Xbox Live were affected by outages.

It's likely that the errors will be eliminated by the deployment of a fix for the server side of Destiny, which means that gamers will not have to download any new files to their devices.

A new update for The Taken King might arrive soon

After the launch of the most recent expansion for Destiny the company has delivered one hotfix, labeled, which was designed to deal with some issues with items and weapons that the community has been noticing, including the overpowered Three of Coins item that many used to farm new equipment.

Since then the company has been collecting data from the servers and has received more details from players who should enable it to offer another update in the coming weeks.

The Taken King is the biggest expansion launched for Destiny, offering gamers access to King's Fall, now widely seen as the best raid offered by Bungie, as well as more strikes and a new range of end-game activities linked to the Crucible.

The dreadnought is the new area that gamers can explore.

Bungie has already said that it has some secrets that it plans to reveal more surprises for Destiny over the coming weeks.

UPDATE: Bungie says the problems have been eliminated for most of Destiny players.

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