pcappdate. Samsung Galaxy Core Prime is a mid-range Android smartphone that was launched back in November. The handset was released with Android 4.4.4 KitKat operating system right out of the box, but Samsung promised a Lollipop upgrade will be delivered soon.
While many Galaxy Core Prime units have already been upgraded to Android 5.0.2 Lollipop and higher, some carriers are still testing the update in their own labs.
But US-based carrier Verizon Wireless is not one of them since the Big Red has just announced an Android 5.1.1 Lollipop upgrade is now available for Samsung Galaxy Core Prime.
It's worth mentioning that Verizon is one of the few carriers that offers an update directly to Android 5.1.1 Lollipop, which includes a few extra features and improvements.
The information has been confirmed by Samsung's official website, but Verizon customers who own the Galaxy Core Prime can check for the update since the carrier is now rolling it out OTA (over the air).
If it's not yet available, then you should try again later since this is a staged rollout and it will take some time until the upgrade reaches all Galaxy Core Prime devices.
Stagefright patch and other security improvements are included, too
Talking about changes, the official changelog mentions the usual Material Design, which includes new graphics, fluid animations, vivid color themes and 3D views for better user interaction. Also, the Floating Action Button has been added for ease of access on emphasized features.
Many changes to lockscreen have been made as well, so you will now find shortcuts for both Phone and Camera without having to unlock the phone.
Material Design notifications have been implemented too, along with the ability to set priority and privacy for notifications on the lockscreen. Music controls have been added as a card to utilize the real estate of the lockscreen UI,
Last but not least, Android security enhancements have been also included, such as a patch for the Stagefright exploit.